SEBI clarification/further relaxation of LODR compliances
April 20, 2020
Following relaxation of compliances under SEBI (LODR) Regulations,2015 , SEBI has further relaxed compliance /clarified as under:

- The requirement of providing prior intimation to stock exchanges about board meetings under Regulation 29(2) of at least 5 days, if financial results are to be considered, and 2 working days in other cases, has been reduced to 2 days for board meetings held till 31 July 2020.
- A delay on the part of a listed entity in submitting information to the stock exchanges regarding loss of share certificates and issue of duplicate certificates, beyond the stipulated time of two days of getting the information, under Regulation 39(3), will not attract penal provisions for intimations to be made between 1 March 2020 to 31 May 2020.
- Authentication, certification of any filing, submission made to stock exchanges may be done using digital signature certifications until 30 June 2020.
To refer to the SEBI circular dated 17 April 2020, click here.